  • 1 # 小巷004

    英語是: fall in love。解釋:fall in love 英[fɔ:l in lʌv] 美[fɔl ɪn lʌv] [詞典] 陷入愛河; 愛上; [例句]Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him雖然過程緩慢,但她無疑開始愛上他了。I must have been crazy to fall in love with you! 我當時愛上你一定是瘋了。I fall in love. 我談戀愛了。Did you fall in love with him? 你是不是愛上他了?Then, I know you fall in love. 那時,我知道你戀愛了。I fall in love with you There"s nothing, nothing I can do. 我愛上你了,沒有什麼,沒有什麼我能做的了。Oh, guy, you fall in love with her! 哦,夥計,你愛上她了!

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