  • 1 # 看山

    炮1動詞 1. (用鍋或鐺在旺火上炒) quick-fry; sauté: 炮牛肉片 quick-fried sliced beef2. (烘焙) dry by heat: 溼衣服擱在熱坑上, 一會兒就炮幹了。 Put the damp clothes on a hot kang and they"ll soon dry.炮2動詞 [中醫] (把生藥放在熱鐵鍋裡炒,使焦黃爆裂) prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan炮3名詞 1. (火炮) big gun; cannon; artillery piece: 放炮 fire a gun; 一門大炮 a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun; 大炮轟鳴。 The cannon thundered [booms].2. (爆竹) firecrackers: 花炮 fireworks and firecrackers3. [體育] (象棋棋子的一種) cannon, one of the pieces in Chinese chess

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  • 你覺得婚姻幸福嗎?