  • 1 # 好看美劇

    您好,以下是關於聖誕節的英漢對照小短文,希望對您有幫助: Christmas day is on December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. All the people always decorate a Christmas tree and sing and dance at home on Christmas day. 每年12月25日是聖誕節,全世界的人們在這一天慶祝耶穌的誕生。人們在這一天會互贈禮物慶祝節日。小朋友會期盼聖誕老人帶給他新的玩具,他們也會和家人一起去教堂。每家每戶在聖誕節都會載歌載舞,並在家裝飾聖誕樹。

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