  • 1 # dhksm35829

    put out the fireun.滅火撲滅火;撲滅篝火;撲滅大火例句1.Put out the fire before going to bed.睡覺之前先熄失爐火。2.Tell the children to put out the fire.叫孩子們把火熄滅。3.All the boys ran to put out the fire, but Mike chickened out.男孩都跑去救火,邁克卻退縮了。4.He put out the fire. It"s dangerous to put out your hand now.現在你把手伸出去是危險的。5.The firefighters rapidly unload the water hose, ready to pump water to put out the fire.消防員迅速卸下了水龍帶,準備抽水救火。6.Emergency rescue workers rushed to the scene, after one hour after struggling to put out the fire extinguished.救援人員緊急趕到現場,經過一個小時奮力撲救後將大火撲滅。

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