  • 1 # 偶可以how

    唐朝的英文是:The Tang Dynasty。例句:唐朝是中國古詩的極盛時期。The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry. 唐朝是文學和藝術的黃金時期。The Tang period was the golden age of literature and art. 這是一幅唐朝的壁畫。This is a mural of the Tang dynasty. 唐朝的法律文書和中國書法曾一度成為中國出口到南韓和日本的最主要的商品。The Tang legal code and Chinese characters were some of China"s most important exports to Korea and Japan. 唐朝在重新統一西域以後,實行了地方行政制度。After reunifying the Western Uegions, the Tang Dynasty instituted the local administrative system.

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