  • 1 # 使用者922551757647

    1.There is someting wrong with the panio,but I can"t put my finger on it .(piano前面應該用the修飾,因為根據情景不難看出是特指某臺piano,所以冠詞用 the)

    2.Apart from the large size,the trousers don"t match with my jacket.(英語翻譯要求簡潔明瞭,句子不能逐字翻譯,匹配應該是match with)

    3.Whatever the reason is ,I like pop music.(此處pop music一定不能加冠詞the)

    4.He is quite interested in foreign cultures ,so he often browse through a great many books to search for some useful imformation.

    5.Our opinions vary on whether we should set up a new club.

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  • 為什麼小孩子尿的顏色先是黃色一會就變成白色?