  • 1 # 家庭是我的家

    1.Summer employment also attracts students who may return as well qualified recruits to an organization when they have completed their education. 暑期招聘同樣會吸引到很多已經完成學業的學生,他們會和有資格的新進員工一起回來工作。

    2.Ensuring that the students learn as much as possible about the organisation encourages interest in working on a permanent basis. 確保學生能學到很多有關公司的知識,公司鼓勵那些有興趣並且希望長期在此工作的學生。

    3.Students are subject to the organisation’s standard disciplinary and grievance procedures. 學生必須遵守公司標準的程式。 學習

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我連續工作幾年第一次辭職後一年沒工作,找工作時該怎麼解釋這一年的空白期?