  • 1 # hofol24451

    我的夢想是當一個醫生。因為醫生是一個偉大的職業,醫生可以幫病人把病治好,當我們生病的時候,比如感冒,頭疼,胃痛等等,都可以去找醫生治療。醫生還可以挽救病人的生命。因此我的夢想是當一個醫生。現在,我會看一些關於醫學方面的書,為將來做準備。My dream is to be a doctor. Because the doctor is a great occupation, physicians can help patients cure, when we are ill, such as colds, headaches, stomachaches and so on, can see a doctor. The doctor also can save the patient"s life. So my dream is to be a doctor. Now, I will look at some of the medical aspects of the book, to prepare for the future.

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