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    manifest sth (in sth),to show sth clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or a quality 表明,清楚顯示(尤指情感、態度或品質),同義詞是 demonstrate,或者是“顯現”,相當於 appear:

    The synptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later. 十天後這種病的症狀顯現出來。

    suggest 也有表明的意思,但是是 使想到、使認為 的意思:to put an idea into sb"s mind;to make sb think that sth is true

    All the evidence suggests he stole the money. 所有的證據表明他偷了錢。

    The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack. 症狀表明這是輕微心臟病發作。

    二者的區別就在於前面的是 已經顯現出來了,不用去想;後者需要去思考一下,去推論一下。

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