“As cool as a cucumber” 諺語的意思是像黃瓜一樣冷靜,可以理解為“處變不驚、泰然自若”,即形容人在壓力下顯得極為冷靜,毫不動容。單詞 cool 在這裡的意思並不是“酷的”,而是指人“鎮定、沉著的”樣子。
①、Hearing the news, everyone in the room panicked except for Tracey - she looked as cool as a cucumber.聽到那條訊息後,除了特蕾西以外,房間裡的所有人都陷入了慌亂之中。但她看起來泰然自若。
②、The exam is in less than an hour, but I"m as cool as a cucumber.不到一個小時就開考了,但我卻出奇地鎮靜。
③、The actress was as cool as a cucumber after winning her Oscar. She looked poised and elegant as usual.這位女演員在贏得奧斯卡獎後表現得鎮定自若,她看起來和往常一樣沉著而優雅。
“As cool as a cucumber” 諺語的意思是像黃瓜一樣冷靜,可以理解為“處變不驚、泰然自若”,即形容人在壓力下顯得極為冷靜,毫不動容。單詞 cool 在這裡的意思並不是“酷的”,而是指人“鎮定、沉著的”樣子。
①、Hearing the news, everyone in the room panicked except for Tracey - she looked as cool as a cucumber.聽到那條訊息後,除了特蕾西以外,房間裡的所有人都陷入了慌亂之中。但她看起來泰然自若。
②、The exam is in less than an hour, but I"m as cool as a cucumber.不到一個小時就開考了,但我卻出奇地鎮靜。
③、The actress was as cool as a cucumber after winning her Oscar. She looked poised and elegant as usual.這位女演員在贏得奧斯卡獎後表現得鎮定自若,她看起來和往常一樣沉著而優雅。