  • 1 # 亞洲最強男團


    Tokyo Tower = Tohto Tower

    Nanbu Aquarium = Carpenter Aquarium

    The dub’s “Tohto” name comes from the fact that Tokyo is sometimes referred to as “Tokyo-to” in Japan, meaning “Tokyo Metropolis.” This is usually shortened to just “Toto.” It’s kind of like slang. “Toto” is what the kids are saying throughout the episode in the Japanese version. For the dub, “Toto” is left untranslated, so the gang is basically running around calling it the Tokyo Tower, only using the Japanese slang (Toto).


    東京鐵塔事實上官方的名稱就是Tokyo Tower,然而這裡之所以叫做Tohto Tower 的原因就在於,日本人常常會把東京叫做Tokyo-to,原因在於,東京只是我們一般的叫法,而不是城市的全稱

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