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    He appreciates to Hind.

    His favourite is always Hind.

    Children are always with their mum.

    Hind does lots of things for Dubai.

    Who’s with you today,

    Tomorrow the days will be against you

    Remember the day I used to like you,

    You were the only one,

    You’re the lucky one you would like me to look for someone else

    You would like me to look for another heart.

    I forgot you before I forgot forgetting you,

    even my feeling towards you ive forgot.

    Seeing you is like leaving you

    and the sea’s...

    This poem is written by Sheikh Hamdan to his mother Sheikha Hind,when S.Mo (默罕默德酋長)married to Haya(哈雅王妃).

    Hamdan used very STRONG WORDS.He really loves his mum.

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