侈將以其力斃。a tiny will be his strength.2、節約就是大收成。saving is great harvest.3、一人知儉一家富。a known waste a rich.4、君子憂道不憂貧。gentleman"s sorrow way not sorrow lean.5、積小利,成鉅富。the product of interest, as the richest.6、小處不省錢袋空。small black purse empty.7、緊緊手,年年有。hand tightly, with every year.8、奢侈乃德義之滅亡。luxury is de righteousness perish.9、節儉是致富的秘訣。thrift is the secret of getting rich.10、勤能生則,儉能聚寶。frequently produce, waste to treasure.11、靜以修身,儉以養德。static with cultivate one"s morality, waste to virtue.
侈將以其力斃。a tiny will be his strength.2、節約就是大收成。saving is great harvest.3、一人知儉一家富。a known waste a rich.4、君子憂道不憂貧。gentleman"s sorrow way not sorrow lean.5、積小利,成鉅富。the product of interest, as the richest.6、小處不省錢袋空。small black purse empty.7、緊緊手,年年有。hand tightly, with every year.8、奢侈乃德義之滅亡。luxury is de righteousness perish.9、節儉是致富的秘訣。thrift is the secret of getting rich.10、勤能生則,儉能聚寶。frequently produce, waste to treasure.11、靜以修身,儉以養德。static with cultivate one"s morality, waste to virtue.