persist=per (through)+ sist,“堅持反覆做同一件事”,搭配persist in
英語裡的insist 和persist兩個詞。在英漢詞典裡查都是"堅持"的意思,用漢語翻譯根本看不出這兩個詞的區別。而這種區別如果你查詢或者使用英英詞典的話,一開始就會明白。請看在Longman Web Dictionary 中對insist的解釋是:to say firmly and repeatedly that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true(儘管別人說某件事情不對,也執意要說而且是重複不斷地說那件事情是對的);而對persist的解釋是:to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people warn you not to do it. (繼續不斷地做某件事情,儘管這件事可能很難,或他人勸你不要做)。兩者的差別透過查英英詞典就一目瞭然了。
persist=per (through)+ sist,“堅持反覆做同一件事”,搭配persist in
英語裡的insist 和persist兩個詞。在英漢詞典裡查都是"堅持"的意思,用漢語翻譯根本看不出這兩個詞的區別。而這種區別如果你查詢或者使用英英詞典的話,一開始就會明白。請看在Longman Web Dictionary 中對insist的解釋是:to say firmly and repeatedly that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true(儘管別人說某件事情不對,也執意要說而且是重複不斷地說那件事情是對的);而對persist的解釋是:to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people warn you not to do it. (繼續不斷地做某件事情,儘管這件事可能很難,或他人勸你不要做)。兩者的差別透過查英英詞典就一目瞭然了。