  • 1 # 絕世坑




    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim fml As String

    Dim pa(20) As String

    Dim lg As Integer

    Dim out As String

    Dim aski As Integer

    Dim Tsp As Boolean

    Dim td As Boolean

    Dim I, J, K As Integer

    Dim cll As Range

    Dim mf As String

    Dim sz As Range

    On Error GoTo 444

    mf = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\output.txt")

    If mf <> "" Then

    Kill ThisWorkbook.Path & "\output.txt"

    End If

    Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\output.txt" For Output As #1

    For Each cll In Application.InputBox("Choose the zone you want", Type:=8)

    fml = cll.FormulaLocal

    " Debug.Print fml

    lg = Len(fml)

    Tsp = False

    td = False

    out = ""

    For I = 1 To 20

    pa(I) = ""

    Next I

    K = 1

    For I = 1 To lg

    aski = Asc(Mid(fml, I, 1))

    If aski >= 65 And aski <= 90 Then

    Tsp = Not Tsp

    pa(K) = pa(K) & Mid(fml, I, 1)

    GoTo 100

    End If

    If Tsp And aski >= 48 And aski <= 57 Then

    pa(K) = pa(K) & Mid(fml, I, 1)

    If I = lg Then

    out = out & Range(pa(K))

    " GoTo 300

    End If

    ElseIf Tsp And (aski <= 48 Or aski >= 57) Then

    Tsp = Not Tsp

    out = out & Range(pa(K))

    K = K + 1

    td = Not td

    End If

    100 If Not Tsp Then

    out = out & Mid(fml, I, 1)

    ElseIf Tsp And td Then

    " out = out & Range(pa(K - 1))

    td = Not td

    End If

    Next I

    "300 Debug.Print out

    Print #1, cll.Address(rowabsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) & " " & out


    GoTo 999

    444 MsgBox ("Something is wrong")

    999 MsgBox ("over, (^o^)/~~~")

    Close #1

    End Sub

  • 2 # 快樂與我同行9



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