  • 1 # nlfps19849

    Dragon Boat Festival is China"s traditional festivals. Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of Lunar New Year in May that day. In the Dragon Boat Festival, we can eat dumplings, especially in the southern rivers, lakes and more places where people through dragon-boat racing to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan in ancient China born, and it symbolizes family reunion. 端午節是中國的傳統節日。端午節是農曆五月初五那一天。在端午節,我們可以吃粽子,特別是在南方河流,湖泊多的地方,那裡的人們透過賽龍舟來慶祝端午節。端午節是為了紀念中國古代偉大詩人屈原而誕生的,它象徵著家人團聚。

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