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    掌上明珠 : Sisters of Pearl; the apple of one"s eye; the apple of someone"s eye ; one"s ewe lamb; a pearl in the palm ; a beloved daughter ; 例句: His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye. 他的小女兒是他的掌上明珠。 They have no children, so their puppy is the apple of their eye. 這對夫婦沒有子女,所以寵物小狗就是他們的掌上明珠。 She said, children are the most precious gifts and life miracles for their parents. 她說,孩子是父母的掌上明珠,是生命的奇蹟,是未來的希望。 漢語釋義: 掌上明珠 [zhǎng shàng míng zhū] 比喻極受疼愛的人。後多指極受父母鐘愛的兒女。 家中生得一女,夫妻愛之如掌上明珠。 也作“掌上珠”。 老舍《青蛙騎手》:“賢孝兒媳多麼可愛,真是我呀我二老的掌上珠!”

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