  • 1 # A田丫頭

    何謂核心肌群(Core Musculature)呢?不管是在報章雜誌、書籍或是網路文章,常聽到“核心肌群訓練”,於其去談論與批評這些動作是否為所謂的“核心肌群訓練”,倒不如直接跟大家說何謂核心訓練呢?

    The objective of core training is to uniformly strengthen the deep and superfiial muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body, especially the abdominals and muscles of the back. Historically, physical therapists prescribed core exercises for patients with low-back problems, and more recently core training has become popular among athletes to help improve sports performance.


    The core is defined by the structures that make up the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC), including the lumbar spine, the pelvic girdle,

    abdomen, and the hip joint. The core is where the body’s center of gravity is located and where all movement originates. A strong and efficient core is

    necessary for maintaining proper muscle balance throughout the entire human movement system (kinetic chain).

    ( 以結構的角度定義核心,核心是由腰椎、骨盆、髖關節複合結構所組成,縮寫為LPHC,包括了腰脊、骨盆帶、腹部及髖關節。核心位在身體的重心、所有動作啟始的地方。在所有人體動作系統中(動力鍊),強壯而有效的核心對於維持肌肉的平衡是不可缺少的。)

    The core musculature has been divided into the local stabilization system, global stabilization system, and the movement system. To maintain core stability, neuromuscular control of the local and global stabilization systems and the movement system is required, ensuring sequential coordinated.



    The local core stabilizers are muscles that attach directly to the vertebrae. These muscles help provide support from vertebra to vertebra.


    The global stabilizers are muscles that attach from the pelvis to the spine. These muscles act to transfer loads between the upper extremities and lower extremities and provide stability between the pelvis and spine.


    The movement system includes muscles that attach the spine and/or pelvis to the extremities. These muscles are primarily responsible for concentric force production and eccentric deceleration during dynamic activities.


    Collectively, these systems work from the inside out (local stabilization system ® global stabilization system ® movement system). If the core’s movement system musculature is strong and the stabilization systems are weak, the human movement system senses imbalance and forces are not transferred or used properly. This all may result in compensation, synergistic dominance, and inefficient movements.

    ( 這些系統的運作是由內而外(區域性、全面至動作系統),若核心動作系統的肌肉是強壯,而穩定系統的肌肉是無力,人體動作系統是感到失衡,而且力量無法被適當的進行轉移。這也許會導致代償、協同肌主配效應及沒有效率的動作。)



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