  • 1 # nklal14325

    英語是:To our surprise.解釋:to our surprise [詞典] 令我們吃驚的; 令我們驚訝的是; [例句]When Xiao Wu was praised, he was embarrassed, much to our surprise.小吳受了表揚反倒不好意思起來了。To our surprise, it took him only a few minutes to work out the problem. 使我們驚訝的是他只花了幾分鐘就解出了這道題。To our surprise, Tom passed all the exams. 令我們驚奇的是,湯姆考試全通過了。To our surprise, he referred the invitation back to us. 使我們奇怪的是,他把請柬退給了我們。But to our surprise, the next morning, we were told that the money had been stolen.但令我們吃驚的是,第二天早上有人告訴我們說那些錢被人偷走了。To our surprise, he is a doctor. 令我們吃驚的是,他原來是個醫生。To our surprise, we found the little boy sleeping in his small room. 使我們感動吃驚的事情是,我們發現這個小孩子在他的小房間裡睡著了。Much to our surprise, he was unwilling to accept our advice. 使我們驚訝的是,他竟然不願意接受我們的建議。

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