  • 1 # 使用者3005731420457

    Rice wine is also called wine, is a traditional food of our country folk, has two thousand years of history, has high edible and medicinal value, is a kind of nutritious health food for the people"s favorite.

    On the white wine Jiami clear juice, honey flavor, sweet and delicious, refreshing appetizer food. Rice wine contains rich nutrients such as vitamins, glucose, amino acids, the efficacy of dynamic blood, activating blood circulation, nourishing blood, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney and lungs, is the best nutrition for both young and old.

    Making method

    1. metres elutriation clean into the water to soak for 16 - 24 hours submerged (winter slightly longer), will soak glutinous rice to grind by hand is broken for good. (rice is not soaked). Did not eat the rice can also be a little effect.

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