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    said to be 主要用於表示“據說”“被認為”等。下面是一些典型的例子:

    He was said to be jealous of her. 據說他妒忌她。

    He is said to be a good teacher. 他被認為是一個好教師。

    He is said to be a member of the mob. 據說他是犯罪集團的成員。

    The old castle is said to be haunted. 這座古堡據說有鬼魂出沒。

    White is said to be heard tomorrow. 據說懷特先生被起訴一案定於明天開庭。

    Women are often said to be more emotional than men. 女人常常被說成是比男人易於動感情。

    This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost nil. 據說這位經驗豐富的老編輯能把印刷錯誤幾乎降低到零。

    Einstein was said to be a rather slow learner in his boyhood. 傳說愛因斯坦小時候學得相當慢。

    This kind of beauty cream is said to be able to smooth away wrinkles. 據說這種美容霜能消除皺紋。

    Shakespeare is said to be the foremost writer in the English language. 莎士比亞被認為是最傑出的英語作家。

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