  • 1 # 地方三少

    A defining character of people is the degree to which they are willing to appear out of ordinary by the trendy clothes. Conformity always leads to the deadening of energy and creativity. However, some people assert that for students, chasing fashion things has more shortage than merits; I doubt this view can bear much analysis.

    It is unquestionable that there are some shortages. For example, when people pay much attention to pursuing icons, they must be focus less on their work and study.

    However, In recent years, the impact that science has had in our daily life in general, is indisputable. So many people like to try on new products, especially university students. They are under too much pressure, from both school and sociality.

    One of the ways that can attracted them most is to buy new products or wear fashion clothes. Because this kind of behavior can make them get much relaxation. That is what I offered at the beginning----human nature.

    From the evidence above, I think that there are many merits for students on campus when they like something new.

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