  • 1 # 郭建勳7


    (1) 對於以連詞that引導的主語從句,通常用形式主語代主語從句:

    It is important that he should know about this. 他必須知道此事。

    It’s vital that we be present. 我們出席是至關重要的。

    It was intended that you be the candidate. 大家的意圖是讓你當候選人。

    It is important that this mission not fail. 這項使命不失敗至關重要。

    It is essential that a meeting be convened this week. 本週開一次會非常重要。

    It is appropriate that this tax be abolished. 廢除這個稅是恰當的。

    It’s unfair that so many people should lose their jobs. 竟有這麼多人失業這是不公平的。

    It’s amazing that she should have said nothing about it. 她竟未談及此事令人驚訝。

    It’s unthinkable that they should deny my request. 他們竟然拒絕我的請求,這是不可思議的。

    (2) 對於以連線代詞(副詞)引導的主語從句,可以使用形式主語代主語從句,也可直接在句首使用主語從句:

    It was a problem whether they would support us. 他們是否會支援我們還是一個問題。

    It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good. 它對我們是利是害,還得看看再說。

    (3) 對關係代詞型what引導的主語從句,通常直接將主語從句放在句首。如:

    What I want to know is this. 我想知道的就是這一點。


    It is clear enough what he meant. 他是什麼意思很清楚。

    (4) 如果句子是疑問句,則必須用帶形式主語it的結構:

    Is it true that he is the girl’s father? 他是那女孩的父親,是真的嗎?

    How is it that you are late again? 你怎麼又遲到了?

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