Abstract:In the middle of 14th century ,a terrible plague hit Europe namely”the black death”,it almost swept all over of the Europe and caused a lot of people dead.The affects which it brought included many aspects,of which were negative as well as active. In order to discover the affects of the black death to Europe ,The penman will make a profound research from the perspectives of economy, politics, religion, thoughts and culture,society and life.
提 要:十四世紀中葉,歐洲遭遇了一場可怕的大瘟疫即黑死病,它幾乎席捲了整個歐洲,造成了人口的大量死亡,它給歐洲社會帶來的影響是多方面的,這其中既有消極的成分,也有積極的內容。為了探尋這次瘟疫對歐洲社會的影響,筆者將從經濟、政治、宗教、思想文化、社會生活各方面來進行逐一的深入研究。
關鍵詞:歐洲 黑死病 影響
Affects Of The Black Death To Europe
(History Department, ZhejiangUniversity, Hangzhou ,China)
Abstract:In the middle of 14th century ,a terrible plague hit Europe namely”the black death”,it almost swept all over of the Europe and caused a lot of people dead.The affects which it brought included many aspects,of which were negative as well as active. In order to discover the affects of the black death to Europe ,The penman will make a profound research from the perspectives of economy, politics, religion, thoughts and culture,society and life.
Key Words:Europe the black death affect
中圖分類號 K132 文獻標識碼A
十四世紀中葉,在歐洲爆發了一場駭人聽聞的大瘟疫,這就是黑死病。據統計,在黑死病肆虐的年代,大約有四分之一到三分之一的歐洲人口死於這場災難。 正因為如此,它對歐洲社會產生了極其重大的影響。以致於有歷史學家這樣評論:“黑死病是理解十四到十五世紀歐洲的關鍵,更是中世紀與現代文明的分界線。” 那麼,一場在現代人看來再平常不過的瘟疫,何以會帶來如此大的影響呢?本文將試圖從經濟、政治、宗教、思想文化、社會生活各方面來逐一分析黑死病對歐洲產生的影響,也希望在今天這個“非典”過後,雨過天晴的日子裡,人們可以真正的以史為鑑,認識歷史,掌握現在,把握未來。