  • 1 # 檸檬小醬r

    英文梗概:It is mainly about an orphan girl, Jane Eyre, who was adopted at her uncle"s home when she was a child. Her uncle hated her very much. After her uncle died, she sent her as a minor child to a church school, where she was born and died.

    A few years later, she was about eighteen years old and left a purgatory school and worked as a tutor in a manor. From this, he fell in love with the owner of the manor, Mr. Rochester. And just as they were getting married, when they learned that the man had a wife or a madman, they were confined in the castle where she lived every day.

    So she left her heart and was rescued by three brothers and sisters. She became a teacher in a humble temporary school anonymously, but the eldest brother of the three brothers and sisters discovered her secret.

    They were cousins and sisters, and they got a large legacy of a deceased loved one. Returning to his family, Jane Eyre, who had wealth, missed Mr. Rochester and quietly returned to the manor, only to find that Mr.Rochester was injured and blind, and the castle was ruined by his mad wife"s act of setting fire to the house.

    So Jane Eyre returned to Mr. Rochester, who was single and had no bondage, and they began a happy life.

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