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      The Missing Dog

      I had a very lovely dog,named Wonderful.It was a white doggy,and I loved it very much.It liked to follow me wherever I went,and I loved it to accompany me all times.

      It was very often that I and my dog spent all day long together at weekend.Yesterday,I went shopping with my dog as usual.It followed me happily.While,around one corner,I looked back to see it,but it was not there.I called its name loudly,but no response.I run back the way to

      found it,but it just out of sight.I am so sad and I asked all of my friends to help me find it.

      Now,I am waiting for my dog to come back,I miss it so much.






      初一尋狗啟事英語要有意思Lily is my dog which got lost last week.It is not big and strong.It has long and yellow hair.It is a gift from my grandparents and I love it very much.Anyone who had saw it please contact me and my phone mumber is 123456.Thank you very much.初一尋狗啟事英語要有意思請根據以下資訊寫一篇尋狗啟事


      1. 本人於20xx年4月11日晚10時15分左右,在自家小區(長城路48號)將純白獅子狗丟失

      2. 小狗叫Mary,4歲,長約35cm,高約20cm

      3. 小狗由於雷雨天氣受到驚嚇而衝出門去,至今未歸;

      4. 如有人發現,請迅速與我(張先生)聯絡,當面酬謝!

      I found my white pekingese was lost at 48th changcheng Street , which happened at about 10:50 on Apirl 11th 2008 . The little dog called Mary at The age of four , was 35cm in length and 20cm in height . Until today my dog has not returned home , having rushed of my house because of being fringhten by thunder . If someone discoverces the dog , people call me as soon as possible . And I will reward anyone who help Mary return home safely .

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