  • 1 # 一隻會說話的豬zz



    1. Hello, everybody/everyone.

    2. Ladies and gentlemen.

    3. May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.

    4. Attention, please! I have something important to tell you.


    1. There will be a party/speech/contest held by the English Department in the hall of the library on Saturday evening.週六晚上,在圖書館大廳,英語系將會舉行一場聚會/演講/比賽。

    2. In order to welcome our friends from the United States, the Student Union will organize a party in the school hall on Saturday evening, August 15.為了歡迎我們來自美國的朋友,學生會將會在8月15號星期六晚上組織一場聚會。

    3. Our school has decided to hold an activity to climb Xiangshan Hill this Sunday.我們學校決定這週六組織去爬香山。

    4. It will begin at 5 pm and last about two hours.它將在下午5點開始,持續大約2個小時。

    5. The school will arrange several buses to take us there.學校會安排幾輛公交車帶我們去那裡。

    6. There will colourful activities then, such as singing, dancing, exchanging gifts with one another and so on.到時會有豐富多彩的活動,比如唱歌、跳舞、互換禮物等等。

    7. All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes. Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.所有的老師和學生都被要求參加。請帶上筆記本做筆記。請認真聆聽,之後我們會有分組討論。

    2. Those who want to take part in it please sign up at the Student Union.想要參加的人請在學生會報名。

    4. Remember to take your hats and gloves.記得帶上你的帽子和手套。

    5. Remember that we are required hats and water.記得我們被要求帶帽子和水。

    6. Please come on time and don’t be late.請準時到來,不要遲到。

    7. You might as well take a camera in case you want to take some photos of the beautiful scenery.你不妨帶個相機以防你想要給美麗的風景拍照。

    8. Please pass on this message to those who are not here today.請把這個訊息告訴不在場的人。

    9. I hope that you will have a nice time there.我希望你在那裡過得愉快。

    10. I am sure you will have a good time there/then.我保證你在那裡/到時會過得愉快。

    11. I believe you will have a wonderful time then.我相信到時你會過得非常愉快。

    12. I think you will enjoy it very much.我想你會非常喜歡它的。

    14. Good luck.祝好運。

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