就是在CCTV5那首歌.好像有long long time .但不知道歌名.知道的告訴下。謝謝了
  • 1 # 大球哥


    Rocket man(火箭人)

    Music by elton john音樂•艾爾敦約翰

    Lyrics by bernie taupin

    歌詞艾柏斯taupinAvailable on the album honky château


    She packed my bags last night pre-flight昨晚在發射前她收拾了我的行裝

    Zero hour nine a.m.零時九分

    And i"m gonna be high as a kite by then而我像風箏一樣飛走

    I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我像想念我妻子一樣想念著地球

    It"s lonely out in space 在寂寞太空中遨遊

    On such a timeless flight 這種永恆飛行

    And i think it"s gonna be a long long time而我認為這是一個漫長的旅行

    Till touch down brings me round again to find直到再次降落的時候

    I"m not the man they think i am at home 我不是那個他們以為的只會在家裡待著的男人

    Oh no no no i"m a rocket man哦,我是個火箭男

    人Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一個孤獨燃燒著他的導火索的火箭人Mars ain"t the kind of place to raise your kids火星不是一個能養育你孩子的地方

    In fact it"s cold as hell其實它冷如地獄

    And there"s no one there to raise them if you did而那兒沒有一塊地方能撫育他們And all this science i don"t understand而所有這一切道理,我沒能明白

    It"s just my job five days a week這只是我的工作,每週五天

    A rocket man, a rocket man火箭人,火箭人第二種翻譯(火箭隊版)

    She packed my bags last night pre-flight火箭隊員昨晚整理行李準備打客場

    Zero hour nine a.m.9分鐘之前是午夜12點

    And i"m gonna be high as a kite by then我象風箏那樣跟向前

    I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我曾錯過這麼多客場隨隊旅行的機會我錯過了親眼目睹火箭多次客場大翻盤

    It"s lonely out in space火箭和姚明在全聯盟獨孤求敗

    On such a timeless flight儘管威爾士無止境地偷懶

    And i think it"s gonna be a long long time上次奪得冠軍離現在已很久遠

    Till touch down brings me round again to find直到面對大好現狀,我們才得以繼續尋找希望

    I"m not the man they think i am at home我們火箭隊絕不僅僅只會打主場

    Oh no no no i"m a rocket man哦,其實我們是NBA總冠

    Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一支在聯盟隨時準備擊敗對手的火箭隊!

    Mars ain"t the kind of place to raise your kids客場雖然很難再看到小球迷的叫喊

    In fact it"s cold as hell事實上客場我們面臨嚴寒

    And there"s no one there to raise them if you did在那我們會受到主場球迷無情的摧殘

    And all this science i don"t understand而所有這一切,我其實並不懈怠

    It"s just my job five days a week因為我們是職業球員

    A rocket man, a rocket man火箭隊,NBA總冠!

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