  • 1 # 水雲丹煙坊

    Jupiter called Suixing, is the fifth new planet from the sun, and is the biggest one, the planet than all the other big 2 times the quality of (the Earth 318 times). Jupiter revolution around the sun cycle for 4332.589 day, or about 11.86 years. Jupiter (aka Jove) Greeks as Zeus (the king of gods, goddesses, Olympus Hill, the country"s rulers and the protection of Rome, it is Cronus (Saturn"s son.)

    The transfer orbit: from the sun 778.33 million km (5.20 astronomical units)

    Planet diameter: 142984 km (Equateur)

    Quality: 1.90 * 10 ^ 27 kg

    Jupiter is the fourth-sky objects (after the Sun, the Moon and Venus; sometimes more-some Mars), as early as prehistoric Jupiter had been known by mankind. According to Galileo in 1610 on Jupiter four satellites:木衛一,木衛二, wood-III and木衛四(now commonly known as the Galileo satellite) observations, they are not functioning as the center of the Earth the first discovery, but also endorsed the Copernicus of the heart that the main basis for planetary movement.

    We see the clouds in the atmosphere is usually the top, the pressure slightly higher than an atmospheric pressure.

    Jupiter from 90% hydrogen and 10% helium (the ratio of number of atoms, 75/25 per cent per cent of the mass ratio) and traces of methane, water, ammonia and "rock" was formed. This formation of the entire solar system with the primitive nebula composition of the solar system is very similar. Saturn has a similar composition, but the composition of Uranus and Neptune, the amount of hydrogen and helium on the less.

    翻譯大概如下:木星古稱歲星,是離太陽第五顆行星,而且是最大的一顆,比所有其他的行星的合質量大2倍(地球的318倍)。木星繞太陽公轉的週期為4332.589天,約合11.86年。木星(a.k.a. Jove)希臘人稱之為 宙斯(眾神之王,奧林匹斯山的統治者和羅馬國的保護人,它是Cronus(土星的兒子。)

    公轉軌道: 距太陽 778,330,000 千米 (5.20 天文單位)

    行星直徑: 142,984 千米 (赤道)

    質量: 1.90*10^27千克



    木星由90%的氫和10%的氦(原子數之比, 75/25%的質量比)及微量的甲烷、水、氨水和“石頭”組成。這與形成整個太陽系的原始的太陽系星雲的組成十分相似。土星有一個類似的組成,但天王星與海王星的組成中,氫和氦的量就少一些了。

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