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    No Elephants

    Jill Jones got a new job in a different part of the city . She had to go to work every day by train .

    There was only one other person in the train with her . This was a well - dressed man reading a newspaper .

    Suddenly , about halfway through the journey , the man began tearing his newspaper into hundreds of small pieces . Then he picked them up , opened the window and threw them all out .

    This done , he sat down , closed his eyes , and slept for the rest of the journey .

    The next day , Jill Jones got into the same train . The same welldressed man was there , reading a newspaper .

    As before , about halfway through the journey , the man began tearing his newspaper into hundreds of small pieces . Then he picked the pieces up , opened the window and threw them all out .

    This done , he sat down , closed his eyes , and slept for the rest of the journey .

    This happened every day for a week .

    At last , on Friday , Jill Jones spoke to the man .

    " Excuse me , sir , " she said , " I don"t want to be rude , but I must ask you a question . When we are halfway through our journey , you tear your newspaper into hundreds of pieces and then throw them all out of the window . Please tell me , sir . Why do you do this ?"

    The well - dressed man smiled . " There"s a simple reason , " he said . " I like to sleep for part of the journey , but I cannot sleep if the t rain is full of elephants . So I throw the pieces of paper out to the elephants . It stops them from coming into the train . "

    " But there aren"t any elephants in the train , " Jill Jones said .

    " I know , " the man said . " It works well , doesn"t It ?"




    做完之後,他坐了下來,閉上了他的眼睛,剩下的旅程他一直在睡覺。第二天,吉兒瓊斯進入了相同的火車。 還是那個穿著良好的男人在坐那裡 ,看一份報紙。

    經過旅程的一半,男人開始將他的報紙撕碎。然後他拾起碎片, 打開了窗戶而且把碎片全部扔出去。




    "對不起 , 先生 , " 她說 , "我不想你粗魯無禮,我要問你一個問題。當我們經過我們的旅程一半的時候,你將你的報紙撕碎然後開啟窗戶把碎片扔出去。請告訴我, 先生,你為什麼這樣做 ?”

    穿著良好的男人微笑。 "我有一個非常簡單的理由 , " ,他說。 "我喜歡睡覺來打發旅程的後一半,但是如果火車充滿大象,我不能夠睡覺。因此我對大象丟出去報紙。它阻止他們進入火車。”




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