"Iron Man" is Marvel"s latest animation action movie series. Story master Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr. played) was born in a wealthy New York family, small clothes to food to mouth his hand did not like all the dude is so fun nonsense only know Iron Man stills (20 Zhang).
Stark natural intelligence, it was a surprisingly talented 17-year-old graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and successfully found the results impressive their social positioning - the family business, "Stark arms company" new boss. Death of their parents would be more inspired Tony career forward momentum.
Age of 21, began to control tens of billions of property, he gradually established Stark Company as the first U.S. supplier of the strong position of the arms. However, the character of Tony and the arrogance to achieve the purpose for their unscrupulous practices are often hosts to many problems.
Fortunately, his side also has a smart, sexy female assistant Virginia subwavelength Heights (Gwyneth Paltrow played) at all times to their meticulous care and help.
But soon after the first kidnapping incident completely changed the life of Tony Stark.
When Tony led the group of men and military observers to the boundary in the deserted their newly developed test results, the unexpectedly encountered a group of extremely aggressive terrorists.
Ultimately, the confusion was hit by shrapnel in the heart of Tony woke up and found a strange chest more devices, it is this instrument to maintain his own life.
Is the same as the original British hostage Sen Boshi electromagnet with a car suck the shrapnel in his body, saved the life of Tony Stark, of course, save his terrorists will not be the only pure natural grasp The weapons design expert, but whose name has long been intentional Mu. Thus, the terrorists began to both soft and hard, Tony Stark requires them greater power to create weapons.
Heroes do not eat immediate loss, the wise Stark will not sit still. So he used the help of the British Sen rough terrorists provide equipment and raw materials, in the dark underground base, create a piece for their own survival and fusion energy fusion energy driven by the steel armor, with a strong fighting ability .
Rush them with the terrorists, the British Sen Boshi to ga for the Stark was killed, but to escape Tony changed his arms to create the idea of saving the world.
So he improved steel armor, create another piece of fusion energy, a real Iron Man.
"Iron Man" is Marvel"s latest animation action movie series. Story master Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr. played) was born in a wealthy New York family, small clothes to food to mouth his hand did not like all the dude is so fun nonsense only know Iron Man stills (20 Zhang).
Stark natural intelligence, it was a surprisingly talented 17-year-old graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and successfully found the results impressive their social positioning - the family business, "Stark arms company" new boss. Death of their parents would be more inspired Tony career forward momentum.
Age of 21, began to control tens of billions of property, he gradually established Stark Company as the first U.S. supplier of the strong position of the arms. However, the character of Tony and the arrogance to achieve the purpose for their unscrupulous practices are often hosts to many problems.
Fortunately, his side also has a smart, sexy female assistant Virginia subwavelength Heights (Gwyneth Paltrow played) at all times to their meticulous care and help.
But soon after the first kidnapping incident completely changed the life of Tony Stark.
When Tony led the group of men and military observers to the boundary in the deserted their newly developed test results, the unexpectedly encountered a group of extremely aggressive terrorists.
Ultimately, the confusion was hit by shrapnel in the heart of Tony woke up and found a strange chest more devices, it is this instrument to maintain his own life.
Is the same as the original British hostage Sen Boshi electromagnet with a car suck the shrapnel in his body, saved the life of Tony Stark, of course, save his terrorists will not be the only pure natural grasp The weapons design expert, but whose name has long been intentional Mu. Thus, the terrorists began to both soft and hard, Tony Stark requires them greater power to create weapons.
Heroes do not eat immediate loss, the wise Stark will not sit still. So he used the help of the British Sen rough terrorists provide equipment and raw materials, in the dark underground base, create a piece for their own survival and fusion energy fusion energy driven by the steel armor, with a strong fighting ability .
Rush them with the terrorists, the British Sen Boshi to ga for the Stark was killed, but to escape Tony changed his arms to create the idea of saving the world.
So he improved steel armor, create another piece of fusion energy, a real Iron Man.