恐怕我不能恭喜你,約翰。I"m afraid John,I can"t congratulate
you.所有的情感,尤其是愛,與純粹冷靜的理智相違背,而我認為這種理智高於一切。All emotions,and in
particular love,stand opposed to the pure,cold reason I hold above all
things在我的信念中,婚禮簡直就是為了慶祝這個病態的,道德敗壞的世界中一切虛偽、華而不實、荒謬、感傷的東西。A wedding
is, in my considered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that is
false and specious and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morally
compromised world.今天我們是在慶祝宣告死亡的蛀蟲,他註定了我們社會的消亡,也註定了整個人類的滅亡。Today we
honor the deathwatch beetle that is the doom of our society,and in time one
feels certain our entire
species.但是,我們還是談談約翰吧。But anyway,let"s talk about
I burden myself withe a little helpmate during my adventures,this is not out of
sentiment or caprice,it it the he has many fine qualities of his own that he has
overlooked in his obsession withe
me.的確,大家都知道我精神敏銳,事實上,這不過是和約翰對比出來的,約翰無私的提供瞭如此強烈的對比。Indeed, any
reputation I have for mental acuity and sharpness comes in truth,from the
ectraordinary contrast John so selflessly
provides.我相信,事實上,新娘總是願意選擇姿色平庸的伴娘。It is a fact, I believe,that brides
tend to favour exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big
day.我覺得這也是一種對比,但是,畢竟對比是上帝展現他創造物質美的一種手段。 There is a certain
analogy there,I feel,and contrast is after all,God"s own plan to enhance the
beauty of his creation.或者上帝並不是個可笑的幻想,為結婚的傻瓜們提供了職業機會。Or it would be
if God were not a ludicrous fantasy,designed to provide a career opportunity for
the family
point I"m trying to make is that Iam the most unpleasant,rude,ignorant and all
round obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to
meet.我輕視美德,無視美,不瞭解幸福。I am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the
beautiful and uncomprehending in the face of the
happy.所以如果我不明白為什麼找我做伴郎,那是因為我從沒想過我會是誰的好朋友。So if i didn"t understand I
was being asked to be Best Man,it is because I never expected to be anybody"s
best friend.當然,從來沒想過會是。 And certainly not the best
friend.我有幸認識最勇敢、最仁慈、最聰明的人。Of the bravest and kindest and wisest human
being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.約翰,我是個荒謬的人.John,I
am a ridiculous man. 但是被你的熱情和對友誼的忠貞拯救了。Redeemed only by the warmth
and constancy of your friendship.儘管我是你的好朋友,我還是不能祝賀你的婚姻。But as I am
apparently your best friend,I cannot congratulate you on your choice of
companion.但是,現在我要祝賀你。Actually,now I
can.瑪麗,你值得擁有這個男人,這是我能表達出來的最高稱讚。Marry, when I say you deserve this man,it
is the highest compliment of which I am
capable.約翰,你經歷過戰爭,受過傷,有過悲慘的損失,我再次對你遭受的損失表示遺憾。John, you have endured
war and injury and tragic loss,so sorry again about that last
one.今天坐在你身邊的妻子和你拯救過的人中間。So know this - today you sit between the
woman you have made your wife and the man you have
saved.簡而言之就是世上你最愛的兩個人,我知道瑪麗也是這樣想的,我們永遠不會讓你失望,我們會用一生的時間來證明。In short,
the two people who love you most in all this world,and I know I speak for Mary
as well whn I say,we will never let you down and we have a lifetime ahead to
prove that
恐怕我不能恭喜你,約翰。I"m afraid John,I can"t congratulate
you.所有的情感,尤其是愛,與純粹冷靜的理智相違背,而我認為這種理智高於一切。All emotions,and in
particular love,stand opposed to the pure,cold reason I hold above all
things在我的信念中,婚禮簡直就是為了慶祝這個病態的,道德敗壞的世界中一切虛偽、華而不實、荒謬、感傷的東西。A wedding
is, in my considered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that is
false and specious and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morally
compromised world.今天我們是在慶祝宣告死亡的蛀蟲,他註定了我們社會的消亡,也註定了整個人類的滅亡。Today we
honor the deathwatch beetle that is the doom of our society,and in time one
feels certain our entire
species.但是,我們還是談談約翰吧。But anyway,let"s talk about
I burden myself withe a little helpmate during my adventures,this is not out of
sentiment or caprice,it it the he has many fine qualities of his own that he has
overlooked in his obsession withe
me.的確,大家都知道我精神敏銳,事實上,這不過是和約翰對比出來的,約翰無私的提供瞭如此強烈的對比。Indeed, any
reputation I have for mental acuity and sharpness comes in truth,from the
ectraordinary contrast John so selflessly
provides.我相信,事實上,新娘總是願意選擇姿色平庸的伴娘。It is a fact, I believe,that brides
tend to favour exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big
day.我覺得這也是一種對比,但是,畢竟對比是上帝展現他創造物質美的一種手段。 There is a certain
analogy there,I feel,and contrast is after all,God"s own plan to enhance the
beauty of his creation.或者上帝並不是個可笑的幻想,為結婚的傻瓜們提供了職業機會。Or it would be
if God were not a ludicrous fantasy,designed to provide a career opportunity for
the family
point I"m trying to make is that Iam the most unpleasant,rude,ignorant and all
round obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to
meet.我輕視美德,無視美,不瞭解幸福。I am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the
beautiful and uncomprehending in the face of the
happy.所以如果我不明白為什麼找我做伴郎,那是因為我從沒想過我會是誰的好朋友。So if i didn"t understand I
was being asked to be Best Man,it is because I never expected to be anybody"s
best friend.當然,從來沒想過會是。 And certainly not the best
friend.我有幸認識最勇敢、最仁慈、最聰明的人。Of the bravest and kindest and wisest human
being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.約翰,我是個荒謬的人.John,I
am a ridiculous man. 但是被你的熱情和對友誼的忠貞拯救了。Redeemed only by the warmth
and constancy of your friendship.儘管我是你的好朋友,我還是不能祝賀你的婚姻。But as I am
apparently your best friend,I cannot congratulate you on your choice of
companion.但是,現在我要祝賀你。Actually,now I
can.瑪麗,你值得擁有這個男人,這是我能表達出來的最高稱讚。Marry, when I say you deserve this man,it
is the highest compliment of which I am
capable.約翰,你經歷過戰爭,受過傷,有過悲慘的損失,我再次對你遭受的損失表示遺憾。John, you have endured
war and injury and tragic loss,so sorry again about that last
one.今天坐在你身邊的妻子和你拯救過的人中間。So know this - today you sit between the
woman you have made your wife and the man you have
saved.簡而言之就是世上你最愛的兩個人,我知道瑪麗也是這樣想的,我們永遠不會讓你失望,我們會用一生的時間來證明。In short,
the two people who love you most in all this world,and I know I speak for Mary
as well whn I say,we will never let you down and we have a lifetime ahead to
prove that