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    《Stronger》——Kelly Clarkson 《Leave Me Alone》——The Veronicas失戀且不準備或不能挽回的話,就把自己當成甩人的那個,勇敢向前就好了,往事不可追,來世猶可期╮(╯_╰)╭----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------《Stronger》Stronger (What Doesn"t Kill You)專輯_Stronger (What Doesn"t Kill You)Kelly Clarkson_線上試聽You know the bed feels warmer, 也許床上會感覺溫暖一點Sleeping here alone,我獨自躺在這裡You know I dream in color, 你知道我懷著美好的夢想And do the things I want. 做著自己想做的事情You think you got the best of me, 你以為你得到了我最好的Think you had the last laugh 以為你笑到了最後Bet you think that everything good is gone. 我打賭你會以為所有的美好都結束了Think you left me broken down 你以為你傷透了我的心Think that i"d come running back 以為我會跑回來找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong.親愛的,你還不瞭解我,因為你完全想錯了What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller 知道嗎那些沒能把你擠垮的挫折會讓人變得更堅強,站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone.我一個人也不意味就是孤單What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter 那些沒能把你擊垮的挫折使人變成一個鬥士Footsteps even lighter步伐會更加輕快Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone. 我不會沒有你就不行What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger那些未能摧毀我的挫折讓我更堅強更勇敢Just me, Myself and I我可以靠自己You heard that I was starting over with someone new, 你聽說我和別人重新開始了They told you I was moving on, over you, 他們告訴你我已經放下你了You didn"t think that I"d come back, i"d come back swinging你一定想不到我會重新出現,宛如 再生You try to break me but you see你想傷害我,但你看What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger 挫折讓我變得更堅強了Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一個人也並不意味著孤單Thanks to you I got a new thing started 謝謝你,我擁有了全新的開始Thanks to you I"m not the broken hearted 謝謝你,我並沒有心碎Thanks to you I"m finally thinking about me 謝謝你,我終於可以考慮自己的感受You know in the end 你終於知道the day I left was just my beginning in the end我最後離開你的那天就是我的新生I"m not alone 我並不孤單--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------《Leave Me Alone》Leave Me Alone-The Veronicas, Leave Me AloneMP3下載,歌詞下載I"m getting tired of you pushing me "round 我已經厭倦了你對我的敷衍推諉Dragging me down 拉我墮落 Making a sound because you wanna 為你委曲求全 I guess that"s why I like messing with you 我猜原來這就是為什麼我總和你混在一起 Putting you through A lesson or two,再教訓你最後一兩次 because I"m gonna 我就要走了 Before I go my own way 我要走自己的路了,在這之前 I just gotta say 我只想說 Leave me alone 給我閃開 Get out of my face 從我眼前消失 I"m tired in love 我早已厭倦了愛情 Feeling so misplaced 感覺如此混亂 Time for you to go 你該走了You still know I"m better off on my own, oh 你早就知道我還是離開你比較好 Leave me alone 給我閃開 This isn"t gonna work 做什麼都沒用 Don"t call me on the phone 不要試圖打電話給我 Because I"m all out of words 因為我什麼都不想說 I"ll face the unknown 我將面臨的一切未知 Thinking about all the ways that I"ve grown 讓我想起那些我成長的日子 Oh, Leave me alone 噢!給我滾There was the time I thought you were the one 那時我以為你就是我的那個人 Having some fun,getting it done 一起開心 一起安頓 What an illusion原來是這麼可笑的幻想 "Cause you were trying to take control of me 你不斷的試圖控制我 That couldn"t be, I need to be free of this confusion那根本不可能,我要衝出這謎團得到自由 Don"t give me a guilt trip, because I"m so over it 不要使我有愧,我真的覺得噁心 oh, leave me alone 噢!給我閃開! Don"t turn around and don"t look back 不再猶豫不決 不再回頭I see right through all your selfless acts 我已經看穿了你所有所謂無私的舉動 Oh, leave me alone 給我閃開 If you win your love 如果你已得到了你的真愛I"ll feel better on my own 我也許會感覺更好Leave me alone 請讓我一個人

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