There are many methods by which hydrogen can be prepared. 氨有多種製法。
— 縮為同位語後,通常置於其同位成分之後,並以逗號隔開。
Her father became the mayor of the city. He was a murderer in the Second World War. 她的父親,二次大戰中的一個殺人兇手,竟當上了這個城市的市長。
— 縮為定語後,根據漢語的表達習慣,通常置於先行詞之前,並用“的”連線。
She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill. 她回家去照料病重的丈夫。
They sat down in the waiting-room to do some reading. People came to and from there. 他們在人來人往的候車室裡坐下來看點書。
No one has told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus so that the first person who arrives at a bus stop is the first person to get on the bus. 誰也沒有跟他們說過,英華人有排隊候車、先到先上的習慣。
— 縮為狀語後,根據漢語的表達習慣,通常置於句首或主語之後。多數情況下,語序與原文相同即可。
It was April 1945. The Second World War was coming to an end.1945年4月,第二次世界大戰已接近尾聲。
In the course of the same year,war broke out in that area. 同年,該地區爆發了戰爭。
(1) 複合句壓縮成簡單句
— 通常有成語(俚語/俗語/諺語)運用、雙重否定變肯定等方法
There is no time when the circultion of water does not take place. 水迴圈無處不在。
Mercury expands as it gets hotter and contracts as it cools. 水銀會熱脹冷縮。
It was midnight, and there was not a single soul on the street. 半夜,街上空無一人。
One “Take this” is better than two “I’ll give you”. (Spanish proverb)十賒不如一現。(西班牙諺語)
The best fishes smell when they are three days old. 久住招人嫌。
He who grasps too much holds nothing fast. 貪多必失。 (字面含義:抓得太多,什麼都沒抓牢。/ 樣樣都要,樣樣失掉。)
Make hay while the sun shines. 趁機行事 / 趁熱打鐵 (字面含義:曬草要趁Sunny好,行事要趁機會好。)
You made your bed, so now you must lie on it. 自作自受 / 自食其果
Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. 積少成多/ 集腋成裘 (字面含義:節約便士,金鎊自然會積累起來。)
Tell me who your friends are and I"ll tell you who you are. 交友知其人 (字面含義:從他所交的朋友可以知道他的為人。)
(2) 並列句壓縮成簡單句
— 通常用兩個並列片語與短語來處理
In 1844 Engels met Marx, and they became friends. 1844年,恩格斯與馬克思相遇併成了朋友。
(3) 兩個或兩個以上的簡單句壓縮成一個簡單句
He was very clean. His mind was open. 他為人正派而坦率。
— 縮為主語後,根據英語的表達習慣,一般位於句首,可以是主動形式,也可以是被動形式(較常用)。
你什麼都不用做,只要按電鈕就行了。All you have to do is to press the button.
車子慢慢地走著①,在一個泥窪子裡渥住了。老孫頭一面罵牲口②,一面跳下地來看。(周立波《暴風驟雨》) The lumbering cart① got stuck in the mud. Swearing at his beasts②,Old Sun jumped down to take a look. 【縮為主語①和狀語②】
— 縮為同位語後,通常置於其同位成分之後,並以逗號隔開。
他們到了楊集。這是老洪帶著隊伍從棗莊過來和申茂隊員們會合的莊子。(知俠《鐵道游擊隊》) They arrived at Yangji, the village where Lao Hong and his men had first met Shen Mao’s group when they came from Zaozhuang.
歷來野史,或訕謗君相,或貶人妻女,姦淫兇惡,不可勝數。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第一回) The trouble is that so many romances contain slanderous anecdotes about sovereigns and ministers or cast aspersions upon other men’s wives and daughters so that they are packed with sex and violence.
七月裡的一個清晨,太陽剛出來。地裡,苞米和高粱葉子上,抹上了金子的顏色。(周立波《暴風驟雨》) Early one summer day, the golden rays of sunrise danbed the maize and sorghum fields in a bright yellow.
這本書使她聲譽突起。這不僅是因為她是一位女作家,而是因為書中的高尚情操。The book brought her instant fame, not only because she was a woman writer, but also because of the noble sentiments in the book.
這日他比平日起得遲①,看見她已經伏在洗臉檯上擦脖子,肥皂的泡沫就如大螃蟹嘴上的水泡一般,高高的堆在兩個耳朵後②。(魯迅《肥皂》) Getting up later than usual①, he saw his wife leaning over the wash-stand rubbing her neck, with bubbles like those emitted by great crabs heaps up over both her ears②.
孔乙己著了慌,伸開五指將碟子罩住,彎腰下去說道,“不多了,我已經不多了。”(魯迅《孔乙己》) Growing flustered, he would cover the dish with his hand and bending forward from the waist would say,” There aren’t many left, not many at all.”
他在去年夏天把十九歲的女兒小福子賣給了一個軍人。賣了二百塊錢。(老舍《駱駝祥子》) The summer before, he had sold his nineteen-year-old daughter Joy to an army officer for two hundred silver dollars.
道靜氣得渾身發抖。她二話沒說,立即向經理辭了職。(楊沫《青春之歌》) Quivering with anger, Daojing promptly gave notice.
盧嘉川挨近她,情不自禁地握住了她的手。這女孩的熱情、大膽和奔向革命的赤誠深深感動了他。(楊沫《青春之歌》)LuJiachuan, touched by her enthusiasm, her courage and revolutionary spirit, stepped up to her and could not resist taking her hands.
黛玉又忙命倒茶,一面又使眼色與寶玉。寶玉會意,便走了出來。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第五十二回) Daiyu ordered tea, glancing at Baoyu as she did so. Taking the hint, he went out of the room.
— 縮為主語後,根據漢語的表達習慣,一般位於句首且為主動形式。
There are many methods by which hydrogen can be prepared. 氨有多種製法。
— 縮為同位語後,通常置於其同位成分之後,並以逗號隔開。
Her father became the mayor of the city. He was a murderer in the Second World War. 她的父親,二次大戰中的一個殺人兇手,竟當上了這個城市的市長。
— 縮為定語後,根據漢語的表達習慣,通常置於先行詞之前,並用“的”連線。
She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill. 她回家去照料病重的丈夫。
They sat down in the waiting-room to do some reading. People came to and from there. 他們在人來人往的候車室裡坐下來看點書。
No one has told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus so that the first person who arrives at a bus stop is the first person to get on the bus. 誰也沒有跟他們說過,英華人有排隊候車、先到先上的習慣。
— 縮為狀語後,根據漢語的表達習慣,通常置於句首或主語之後。多數情況下,語序與原文相同即可。
It was April 1945. The Second World War was coming to an end.1945年4月,第二次世界大戰已接近尾聲。
In the course of the same year,war broke out in that area. 同年,該地區爆發了戰爭。
(1) 複合句壓縮成簡單句
— 通常有成語(俚語/俗語/諺語)運用、雙重否定變肯定等方法
There is no time when the circultion of water does not take place. 水迴圈無處不在。
Mercury expands as it gets hotter and contracts as it cools. 水銀會熱脹冷縮。
It was midnight, and there was not a single soul on the street. 半夜,街上空無一人。
One “Take this” is better than two “I’ll give you”. (Spanish proverb)十賒不如一現。(西班牙諺語)
The best fishes smell when they are three days old. 久住招人嫌。
He who grasps too much holds nothing fast. 貪多必失。 (字面含義:抓得太多,什麼都沒抓牢。/ 樣樣都要,樣樣失掉。)
Make hay while the sun shines. 趁機行事 / 趁熱打鐵 (字面含義:曬草要趁Sunny好,行事要趁機會好。)
You made your bed, so now you must lie on it. 自作自受 / 自食其果
Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. 積少成多/ 集腋成裘 (字面含義:節約便士,金鎊自然會積累起來。)
Tell me who your friends are and I"ll tell you who you are. 交友知其人 (字面含義:從他所交的朋友可以知道他的為人。)
(2) 並列句壓縮成簡單句
— 通常用兩個並列片語與短語來處理
In 1844 Engels met Marx, and they became friends. 1844年,恩格斯與馬克思相遇併成了朋友。
(3) 兩個或兩個以上的簡單句壓縮成一個簡單句
He was very clean. His mind was open. 他為人正派而坦率。
— 縮為主語後,根據英語的表達習慣,一般位於句首,可以是主動形式,也可以是被動形式(較常用)。
你什麼都不用做,只要按電鈕就行了。All you have to do is to press the button.
車子慢慢地走著①,在一個泥窪子裡渥住了。老孫頭一面罵牲口②,一面跳下地來看。(周立波《暴風驟雨》) The lumbering cart① got stuck in the mud. Swearing at his beasts②,Old Sun jumped down to take a look. 【縮為主語①和狀語②】
— 縮為同位語後,通常置於其同位成分之後,並以逗號隔開。
他們到了楊集。這是老洪帶著隊伍從棗莊過來和申茂隊員們會合的莊子。(知俠《鐵道游擊隊》) They arrived at Yangji, the village where Lao Hong and his men had first met Shen Mao’s group when they came from Zaozhuang.
— 縮為定語後,根據英語的表達習慣,如為片語通常位於所修飾的主語或賓語之前,如為從句通常位於所修飾的主語或賓語(即先行詞)之後(英語中的定語更常以定語從句的形式出現)。
歷來野史,或訕謗君相,或貶人妻女,姦淫兇惡,不可勝數。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第一回) The trouble is that so many romances contain slanderous anecdotes about sovereigns and ministers or cast aspersions upon other men’s wives and daughters so that they are packed with sex and violence.
七月裡的一個清晨,太陽剛出來。地裡,苞米和高粱葉子上,抹上了金子的顏色。(周立波《暴風驟雨》) Early one summer day, the golden rays of sunrise danbed the maize and sorghum fields in a bright yellow.
— 縮為狀語後,通常根據英語的表達習慣,置於句首或句尾。多數情況下,語序與原文相同即可。較常見的情況是縮為伴隨狀語,也可以根據具體情況用合適的連詞縮成時間、地點、原因、條件、目的、結果、讓步、方式和比較狀語(從句)。
這本書使她聲譽突起。這不僅是因為她是一位女作家,而是因為書中的高尚情操。The book brought her instant fame, not only because she was a woman writer, but also because of the noble sentiments in the book.
這日他比平日起得遲①,看見她已經伏在洗臉檯上擦脖子,肥皂的泡沫就如大螃蟹嘴上的水泡一般,高高的堆在兩個耳朵後②。(魯迅《肥皂》) Getting up later than usual①, he saw his wife leaning over the wash-stand rubbing her neck, with bubbles like those emitted by great crabs heaps up over both her ears②.
孔乙己著了慌,伸開五指將碟子罩住,彎腰下去說道,“不多了,我已經不多了。”(魯迅《孔乙己》) Growing flustered, he would cover the dish with his hand and bending forward from the waist would say,” There aren’t many left, not many at all.”
他在去年夏天把十九歲的女兒小福子賣給了一個軍人。賣了二百塊錢。(老舍《駱駝祥子》) The summer before, he had sold his nineteen-year-old daughter Joy to an army officer for two hundred silver dollars.
道靜氣得渾身發抖。她二話沒說,立即向經理辭了職。(楊沫《青春之歌》) Quivering with anger, Daojing promptly gave notice.
盧嘉川挨近她,情不自禁地握住了她的手。這女孩的熱情、大膽和奔向革命的赤誠深深感動了他。(楊沫《青春之歌》)LuJiachuan, touched by her enthusiasm, her courage and revolutionary spirit, stepped up to her and could not resist taking her hands.
黛玉又忙命倒茶,一面又使眼色與寶玉。寶玉會意,便走了出來。(曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第五十二回) Daiyu ordered tea, glancing at Baoyu as she did so. Taking the hint, he went out of the room.