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    但實際上,從第二次世界大戰後,受到學校伙食的影響,日本飲食中也普及了麵包等麵食類。隨著經濟的成長,肉類和乳製品等的攝取也大幅增加。再加上速食食品的普及,使日本人的飲食生活愈發多樣化。 吃米飯時,常搭配有青菜、魚、肉等副食,料理方式有鍋煮、油炸、燒烤等,同時搭配有味噌湯、醃醬菜。

      現在副食之中也有許多西洋料理或中華料理的搭配。 日本人在飲食方面,自古以來即有節儉的觀念――例如對魚的利用:日本人習慣上將魚身做生魚片(或者煎烤),魚頭、魚尾用來煮其他料理,魚骨頭則用來做湯。 另外,為了預防收成不佳而做的儲備、儲存用食物,即醬菜、醃製的魚、肉類、風乾的食品等,也是日本料理中很重要的副食。

      除了飯、湯、醃醬菜之外,尚有前菜、生魚片、燒烤類、油炸、鍋煮類及涼拌菜、醋拌菜等的料理。 在調味方面雖然使用醬油、酒、醋、砂糖等作為調味料,但都儘量保持材料本身的原味,口味並且都很清淡。至於湯、鍋煮類料理、油炸類的調味汁,為了能增添風味也使用了柴魚片、香菇、海帶及其他材料來調味。



    東京?quot;捏飯壽司"(生魚片壽司)製作上很簡單;是在飯糰上擺上新鮮魚蝦肉片,特色為客人可一邊吃,一邊欣賞廚師的手藝,此方式並已普及全國。"天婦羅"是將魚蝦、蔬菜類裹上用水調和的麵粉,再用油炸的料理。 "壽喜燒"不是日本傳統的料理,是從19世紀後半期以後才開始普及。



    Japanese"s diet, may divide into the staple food and the nonstaple food generally。

    The rice is the staple food, the vegetables and the fish and so on is the nonstaple food。 The middle ages to the Meiji time, the Japanese receive the Buddhism thought the influence, has a taboo to the meat, therefore very few food meat; After Meiji, this kind of taboo only then eliminates。

      In common westerner"s idea, Japanese food as if only then beef hot pot or appearance strange sushi。 But in fact, after the Second World War, received the school meal the influence, in the Japanese diet also popularized wheaten food class and so on bread。

    Along with the economical growth, the meats and the dairy products and so on the ingestion also largely increases。 In addition the fast food food popularization, causes Japanese"s diet life increasingly to diversify。

    When has the rice, often matches has nonstaple foods and so on green vegetables, fish, meat, attends to the way to have the pan boiling, to fry in oil, bakes and so on, simultaneously matches scolds the soup, the salt pickled vegetables interesting。

      Now in the nonstaple food also has many Western world to attend to matching which or China attends to。 The Japanese in the diet aspect, namely has the thrifty idea since the ancient times - for example to fish"s use: The Japanese is familiar with on does the fish body the Sashimi (or cooks), the fish head, the fish tail use for to boil other ingredients, the fish bone use for to make the soup。

    Moreover, in order to prevent the reserve, the preservation which the crop not good does uses food, namely pickled vegetables, salt system fish, meats, air seasoning food and so on, also is Japan attends to the very important nonstaple food。

      Besides the food, the soup, the salt pickled vegetables, Shang Youqian the vegetable, the Sashimi, baked the kind, fry in oil, the pan boiling class and the cold food in sauce, the vinegar vegetable salad and so on the ingredients。

    Is blending flavors the aspect although the use soy sauce, the liquor, the vinegar, the hard sugar and so on take the seasoning, and but all as far as possible maintains material itself the primary taste, the taste very is all light。

    As for the soup, the pan boiling class ingredients, fry in oil a kind of sauce, in order to could increase the flavor also to use the firewood fish fillet, the shiitake mushroom, the kelp and other materials blends flavors。

    Sometimesintheprocedure,increasesisbeenfewcalledthe"hiddentaste(toeatcomesout,butblind)“blendsflavors( lt)andtheseasoning(e。


      The sushi is in the food which blends flavors by the vinegar joins the fish and shrimp class, the dried laver, the green vegetables and so on one kind of ingredients, its method, the shape, the flavor and so on, are not same in Japan each place。

    Tokyo?quot;Pinches food sushi " (Sashimi sushi) to manufacture very simply; Is displays the fresh fish and shrimp sliced meat on the food group, the characteristic may one side eat for the visitor, at the same time appreciates chef"s craftsmanship, this way and already popular nation。

    “day woman Luo " is the fish and shrimp, the vegetables class wraps up the water used well distributed bread flour, again uses the ingredients which fries in oil。

    “long-lived burns " is not the Japanese tradition ingredients happy, will be later only then starts from the 19th century second halves of to popularize。

    It is and so on boils together the beef slice and the vegetables, stains edible the seasoning which the soy sauce and the sugar do together。

    Moreover, the Japanese eats the fresh fish and shrimp class, also is eats the Sashimi the custom, also very much becomes famous in the foreign country, in very many countries, “Sashimi amateur " is being increased gradually 。






    在法皇路易十四世?r, 更??Ψ矤???m中之?N??及侍膳人?T舉辦常?B性的烹?比?,?妒炙?精良者,賜予泉藍?И?(CORDONBLEU), ?K流?髦兩瘛B芬資濉⑹酪嗍敲朗車?酆謎擼詿朔N大環境之下即產繼了許多的名?N,而?N??更成?橐環N高尚又具有?術性的??I。

    近年?恚?說谷徊?嗟木媲缶?K?⒁醞墓諾洳損P推向所謂的新菜烹調法(NOUVELLE CUISINE),?K相互運用,調製的方式?糝v究風味、天然性、技巧性、裝?和?色的配合。法?艘虻乩砦恢玫牟煌性S多地域性菜餚的特色,例如:

    《BURGUNDY 伯根第地?^》



    《NORMANDY 諾曼地地?^》


    較知名的菜餚有:諾曼地燴海鮮(NORMANDY SEAFOOD STEWED)。另在許多菜餚中加入蘋果,而成?櫬艘壞?^最大之特色。


    法?罹呤⒚涅Z肝醬即產自此?^。較知名的菜餚有:起司培根蛋?椋≦UICHE LORRAINE)及酸菜什錦燻肉(CHOUCROUTE)。

    《PROVENCE 普凡西地?^》

    因?近地中每及義大利,故其菜餚較偏向義大利口味。在菜餚烹調製造過程中常用多量的橄?煊汀⒋蠓啤⑥選?魚及各式香料。較知名的菜餚有:馬?式海鮮 (BOUILLABAISSE)及普凡西田雞腿(SAUTEED FROG LEG PROVENCE)等等。



    ??? 法?南??酒已有2000多年的?v史。



    ??? 香??酒是美的,但?K非所有的葡萄都能做香??酒的原料,只有馬恩省香??地?^出產的葡萄,才能?制上乘香??酒。香??地?^沿著馬恩河谷和蘭斯山坡,它是??約2公里,長100多公里的丘陵河谷地?В寥籃}質,?夂?睪停耆照?r間長達200多天。




    The French

    France diet culture

    France vegetable is in the western-style food most has the well-known vegetable department, and further because but in its geography position difference, therefore also has the suitable difference in its flavor and the cooking skill。

    The French relies on it to the material side cognition and the nimble utilization, but creates the delicacies good food which the water"s edge enjoys great popularity, this is a place which the French vegetable takes pride in。

    When 16th century, has Italian Princess Caesar Lin, married below station because of the political factor law of emperor Henry two th in at that time same age, the retinue has included several at that time Italy"s famous kitchens, also will use this opportunity Italy was in vogue the cooking way in the Renaissance time and the skill one and the introduction in the law; But originally on the legal person who quite takes to the diet culture, then both countries in cooking merit fuses in, so has together promoted the French vegetable in western-style food status。

    When law emperor louis xiv world, aims at in the Versailles Palace the chef and waits on the meals personnel to hold the regular cooking competition, regarding craftsmanship excellent, grants the spring blue belt to reward (CORDONBLEU), and spreads until now。

    Louis 15, 16 th also are the good food amateurs, namely produced under this kind of macroenvironment continued many famous kitchens, but the chef became one kind nobly also to have the artistic occupation。

    In recent years, French vegetable but actually however unceasing striving for perfection, and the former classical cooked food will push to the so-called new vegetable cooking law (NOUVELLE CUISINE), and utilized mutually, the modulation way dream was fastidious the flavor, natural, skillful, the decoration and the color coordination。

    French vegetable because of geographical position difference, but includes many regional cooked food characteristics, for example:

    "BURGUNDY the Burgon Area"

    produces has massive red, the white wine, the spiral, the chicken and the mustard jasmine sauce。

    The well-known cooked food includes: Braises the chicken red (COQ AU VIN), the red wine braises the beef (BOEUF A LA BOURGUIGNONNE) Burgon to roast the viviparus (ESCARGOT BOURGUGNONNE)。

    "The NORMANDY Normandy Area"

    produces has the massive seafood, the butter, the fresh cream and the apple。 The well-known cooked food includes: Normandy braises the seafood (NORMANDY SEAFOOD STEWED)。

    In addition joins the apple in many cooked foods, but becomes this local biggest characteristic。

    "CLSACE the Arab League Suss Area"

    France will most have the great reputation the goose liver paste namely to produce from now on the area。

    The well-known cooked food includes: Gets up the department Bacon egg to flog (QUICHE LORRAINE) and the pickled cabbage assorted smokes meat (CHOUCROUTE)。

    Because "PROVENCE West Pu Every Area

    " is close to each and Italy, therefore its cooked food is partial to the Italian taste。

    In cooked food cooking manufacture process commonly used abundant olive oil, Philippines, tomato, fish and various types spice。

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