  • 1 # 忐忑英語覃冠平





    1) 首先,你能“用英語”告訴我/告訴和你交流的對方英語“三局兩勝”,“五盤三勝”是“什麼意思”,也就是“你想說什麼”嗎?

    What does it mean when people say 三局兩勝,or 五盤三勝 in English?

    1. Well, you know we are playing three games, or five games.

    2. if you win two games in three games, or three in five games.

    3. Do you know what I am talking about?



    Gotcha/Got you.You are talking about Best two out of three, or Best three out of five!

    Best two out of three, or Best three out of five就是你想要的“三局兩勝”,“五局三勝”的英語(這就是語言的“習得”),但是,難道說:

    1. Well, you know we are playing three games, or five games.

    2. if you win two games in three games, or three in five games. 不也是嗎?


    1) 英語閱讀:

    People generally say Best two out of three, or Best three out of five when they loose a game in making a decision.

    For example,they"ve won 0 games out of 1. Then they request to play 3 games,or five games(a loser can shout:Best two out of three, or Best three out of five) and whoever wins 2 or 3 will be the winner.

    2) 英語口語:

    1.讀到People generally say Best two out of three, or Best three out of five when they loose a game in making a decision時,“說英語口語”:

    Well, Best two out of three, or Best three out of five is used to make a decision(做決定,定勝負).

    2. 讀到Then they request to play 3 games,or five games(a loser can shout:Best two out of three, or Best three out of five)時,“說英語口語” :

    Well, a loser can,or if you lose in a game, you can request, or you can shout:

    Best two out of three, or Best three out of five.

    How about Best two out of three, or Best three out of five?


    I shout Best two out of three.


  • 2 # 你和寶寶說英語

    Two out of three. 或者完整的說:Whoever gets two out of three wins. 這是我們團隊的美國朋友說的,很地道,大家儘管用。

  • 3 # 棄兒舞酒


    Best of three就是三局/盤兩勝。

    同理,Best of five就意味著五盤三勝帶long game長局決勝,或特殊宣告的tiebreak決定勝負(網球裡的搶七)。

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