  • 1 # 吹泡泡的小cat

    nothing to lose是指義無反顧。




    未來我來開墾,狂奔永不停止,目標一擊即中。他對自己的要求永遠都是嚴格的 。


  • 2 # 清洲2

    人氣少年偶像組合TFBOYS成員 易烊千璽的個人首支英文單曲《nothing to lose》非常好聽,真的是超喜歡千璽的這首新歌!已經單曲迴圈好久了!

    《Nothing to Lose》於11月23日正式上線。

    《Nothing to Lose》由少城時代策劃製作,集結六度獲得格萊美獎的美國國寶級製作人Harvey Mason Jr. 、Michael Jackson御用編舞師Travis Payne、聲樂老師Seth Riggs參與制作,頂尖團隊的強強聯手,打造出歌曲輕盈迷幻的音樂風格,trap曲風融合嘻哈與電子舞曲元素,讓首次嘗試此類混搭曲風的易烊千璽,獨有的少年清朗更顯別具一格。

    作為個人第一支全英文單曲,易烊千璽此次親自操刀參與的歌詞創作中,一些詞句也值得反覆回味“I know exactly what to do,to make these dreams come true。(為了實現夢想,我知路在何方)”不僅揭示了易烊千璽一路以來,面對未來的堅定,更透露出超越年齡層的成熟。同時,作為給粉絲的獻禮,《Nothing to Lose》近乎直白的向粉絲宣告:在義無反顧的人生之路上,我們最終擁抱的並不是孤獨,而是作為同伴的彼此。


    Nothing to Lose (義無反顧) - 易烊千璽

    詞:Jacky Brady/Jordan Roman/Andrew John Holyfield/Christopher Scott Holyfield/Jason Arner Housman/Jackson Yee

    曲:Ester Na/Sadie Currey(The Wildcardz)/Harvey Mason Jr.

    I know exactly what to do(為了實現夢想)

    You make these dreams come true(我知路在何方)

    And you"ve been there through and through(闖過萬重險關)

    So that"s why I sing to you like(只願為你歌唱)

    (Ah ah) I won"t I won"t I won"t stop now(狂奔永不停止)

    (Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown(目標一擊即中)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)

    My heart only beats for you(我只為你心動)

    I got a lot of things to prove(凡事皆可證明)

    I would travel to the moon(我可以飛奔到月球)

    If you be there with me too like(如果你願與我一起)

    (Ah ah) I won"t I won"t I won"t stop now(狂奔永不停止)

    (Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown(目標一擊即中)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)


    Shooting for the stars shooting for the stars(手可摘星辰)


    We made it this far we made it this far(未來我開墾)

    (Ah ah) I won"t I won"t I won"t stop now(狂奔永不停止)

    (Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown(目標一擊即中)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I"m steady making these moves(堅定不移向前踏步)

    I got nothing nothing nothing to lose(勝券在握義無反顧)

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