  • 1 # 好家長學院



    a fast [quick] worker 做事手腳快的人

    a fast [quick] typist 打字快的打字員


    1. fast 表示“快”,側重速度方面。如:

    She ran as fast as she could. 她有好快就跑好快。

    You are reading too fast for me to follow. 你讀得太快,我跟不上。

    注:詢問速度或表示鐘錶走得快等,通常用 fast。如:

    How fast is the fish swimming? 這魚遊得有多快?

    My watch is 5 minutes fast. 我的錶快5分鐘。

    2. quick 通常表示某一動作來得突然或時間持續很短,有時還含有匆忙之意(但通常不指動作的頻率)。如:

    He gave her a quick kiss. 他突然吻了她一下。

    He had a quick look at it. 他匆匆地掃了一眼。

    She ate a quick breakfast and rushed off to work. 她匆匆吃了早餐就趕去上班。

    注:催人快做(快走等),通常用 quick。如:

    Be quick! 快點!

  • 2 # 閃記單詞







    例如:It is a fast train. 它是一輛速度很快的火車。(強調的是“速度快”)

    You walk very fast. 你走的很快。 (強調的是“速度快”)

    She loves fast cars. 她喜歡時速很快的車。(強調的是“速度快”)

    (Not: She loves quick cars. )


    例如:We need to have a quick chat before themeeting . 在開會之前,我們需要抓


    We just need a quick answer . (強調的是“短時間內給出回答”)

    (Not: We just need a fast answer.)

    We should do it as quickly as possible. (強調的是以“儘可能短的時間”快


  • 3 # 初中英語誦讀

    意思沒區別,詞性有區別,fast 既是形容詞,也是副詞,如

    形: I am a fast learner

    副: He runs the fastest at lunchtime

    quick 只能做形容詞,副詞要變成 quickly

    形: Which is the quickest means of transportation in the world?

    Be quick!

    副: Quickly!

    Please walk a little bit more quickly.

  • 4 # 家居三所


    1. fast 事物本身有快的特質,它可以是動的,也可以是還沒動的 a fast plane

    2. quick 主要指響應速度快,更多用於人腦子快 acted quickly / quick learners.

    3. rapid 多半指所說事物原本就是運動中的 rapid economic decline / a rapid river

    1. The changes in this city have occurred ______.

    (A) fastly (B) in rapid ways (C) rapidly (D) quickly

    答:quickly / rapidly.

    2. How soon /quickly /rapidly /fast can I have it ready?


  • 5 # 美國戴維斯國際電影節


    quick是形容詞,有時也可以做副詞用,相當於quickly,主要指動作、運動等在較短的時間內發生,並在很短的時間內發生,並在很短的時間內完成,含有敏捷輕鬆之意。如:He gave a quick answer to the question.

    fast可做副詞也可做形容詞,指行動迅速,動作敏捷。也指車輛速度快,常用於修飾運動中的人或物。如She is reading too fast for me to follow.

  • 6 # 小獅子的英語筆記



    ①快的;迅速的;敏捷的——moving or happening quickly, or able to move or happen quickly

    fast cars速度快的汽車a fast swimmer速度快的游泳者Computers are getting faster all the time.計算機一直在提速。The fast train (= one that stops at fewer stations and travels quickly) to London takes less than an hour.到倫敦的快車需時不到一小時。

    ②(鐘錶)走得快的——If your watch or clock is fast, it shows a time that is later than the correct time.

    ③(照相膠片)感光快的——specialized art used to refer to photographic film that allows you to take pictureswhen there is not much light or when things are moving quickly


    ①快的,迅速的;短暫的——happening or done with great speed, or lasting only a short time

    It"s a quick journey.這次行程很短。I had a quick coffee and left the house.我匆匆喝完咖啡,離開了家。I only had time for a quick glance at the paper this morning.今天早上我的時間只夠匆匆瀏覽一下報紙。He scored three goals in quick succession (= one after the other in a short time).他短時間內連進3個球。Could I have a quick word (= speak to you for a short time)?我可以簡短地跟您說幾句話嗎?Quick as lightning (= very quickly), he snatched the book and ran out of the room.他閃電般奪走了書,飛快地跑出房間。

    ②be quick to do sth 立即做…,馬上做…

    She was quick to point out that it wasn"t her fault.她立刻指出那不是她的錯。

    ③反應快的;敏捷的——used to describe someone who is clever and understands or notices things quickly

    She was quick at understanding what we wanted her to do.她馬上領會了我們要她做什麼。He has a quick mind.他思維敏捷。Donna"s quick thinking (= ability to solve problems with speed) averted what could have been a disaster.格林的機敏避免了原本可能出現的災難。

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