在這個世界上,總有一條除了你,無人能走的路In this world There"s always a road only you can walk我們面臨的最大問題Your problem Is是願意付出多打的努力how hard dare you try去選擇夢想的道路!To take the road of your dream你要接受You must accept天賦被否定,夢想被砸碎!your abilities refused,your dreams smashed!你要忍受You must endure努力被否定,尊嚴被挑戰!your hard work refused,your dignity challenged!你要面對You must face實力被否定,聲音被嘲笑!your strength refused,your voice laughed at!這個世界有時並不公平Sometimes this world is unfair想要在風暴中翱翔,就必須問自己!But if you want to fly through tempests,you mustask!你是否能鼓起勇氣奮力一搏?Are you brave enough to flght?你是否能收拾碎片繼續出發?Will you pick up the pleces?你是否能拋開一切從新在來?Will you do that again?向疼痛,委屈和怯懦說再見!Say goodbaye to pain and bittemess!人生的路上沒有失敗!There"s no failure on life"s road!為愛逆戰,現在讓世界聽我的!Fight back for love!Let the world heat me now!
在這個世界上,總有一條除了你,無人能走的路In this world There"s always a road only you can walk我們面臨的最大問題Your problem Is是願意付出多打的努力how hard dare you try去選擇夢想的道路!To take the road of your dream你要接受You must accept天賦被否定,夢想被砸碎!your abilities refused,your dreams smashed!你要忍受You must endure努力被否定,尊嚴被挑戰!your hard work refused,your dignity challenged!你要面對You must face實力被否定,聲音被嘲笑!your strength refused,your voice laughed at!這個世界有時並不公平Sometimes this world is unfair想要在風暴中翱翔,就必須問自己!But if you want to fly through tempests,you mustask!你是否能鼓起勇氣奮力一搏?Are you brave enough to flght?你是否能收拾碎片繼續出發?Will you pick up the pleces?你是否能拋開一切從新在來?Will you do that again?向疼痛,委屈和怯懦說再見!Say goodbaye to pain and bittemess!人生的路上沒有失敗!There"s no failure on life"s road!為愛逆戰,現在讓世界聽我的!Fight back for love!Let the world heat me now!