  • 1 # 卜心551




  • 2 # JiangNanyian江南燕


  • 3 # 0奮鬥在南韓0

    HANOI-A teenager on Hang Dau street in downtown Hanoi took out his phone and started to shoot a video of an old homeless woman who was sitting under the awning of a store with her small bundle of rugged blankets and bags.


    Dao Duy Nam, a junior student at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, says that he filmed the old woman to share her story online on TikTok.

    河內科技大學大三學生Dao Duy Nam說,他拍攝這名老婦人是為了在TikTok網站上分享她的故事。

    TikTok"s booth at a Shanghai international beauty expo held this year.[Photo provided to China Daily]

    "I hope that people will see it and come and give her some donations," Nam says, adding that many disadvantaged people were offered help after similar videos went viral on the platform.


    TikTok, known as Douyin in China and developed by Beijing-based startup Bytedance, is an app for making and sharing short videos, generally from 15 to 60 seconds long. The videos are usually set to music, often featuring someone cooking, dancing, doing a trick, or lip-syncing.


    Globally, TikTok was the third most downloaded app in the first quarter of this year, according to the United States-based market research firm, Sensor Tower.

    根據美國市場研究公司Sensor Tower的資料,在全球範圍內,TikTok是今年第一季度下載量第三大的應用。

    Vietnam is among the fastest growing Southeast Asian markets for TikTok users, with the platform registering 12 million regular users by the end of March. It has more than 1,000 official content creators, according to Nguyen Lam Thanh, policy director of TikTok Vietnam.

    Thanh says his company wants to triple the number of official content creators to 3,000 by the end of this year.

    As of late 2018, each Vietnamese user spent an average of 28 minutes per day on TikTok, with the hours between 6 pm and 8 pm on Fridays and Saturdays recording the most site visits, according to the company.


    "Watching TikTok videos is my daily hobby," says Trinh Thi Khanh Ngoc, a college student in Hanoi, before adding that she has been cutting down time spent on Facebook and YouTube and switching to Tik-Tok, just like many of her friends.

    “在Tiktok上看影片是我每天的樂趣”河內的一位女大學生Trinh Thi Khanh Ngoc說到。她補充說,她和她很多好朋友一樣,現在使用Facebook和YouTube的時間減少了,都轉為看Tiktok。

    Just after downloading and opening TikTok, videos that TikTok chooses to highlight will start playing automatically. Users can see content straight away under the "For You" tab.

    下載並開啟TikTok後,TikTok選擇高亮顯示的影片將自動開始播放。使用者可以在“For You”標籤下直接看到內容。

    "You don"t need to follow anyone at first, TikTok will fill your "feed" before you"ve connected with a single person. Meanwhile, on Facebook, it can seem very empty if you don"t have a few hundred friends," Ngoc says.


    Later, if users would like to watch videos from people they like on Tik-Tok, they can switch to "following "them or continue to check out videos from popular users or any other Tik-Toker who amuses them.


    According to Ngoc, videos on Tik-Tok are more lively and diverse, and more entertaining for young people compared to those on other social media platforms.


    "It"s also very easy to navigate through the videos, just by scrolling up and down, not by tapping or swiping side to side," she says, while surfing through some of her favorites about make-up tips and fashion, among others.


    "You can also see what"s trending in other countries, including China and South Korea. It brings you the feeling of international integration," Ngoc states.


    Thanks to its popularity, TikTok is helping to create and spread positive trends in Vietnam, with hashtags playing a large role by encouraging various online "challenges", jokes or repeat formats.

    For instance, the hashtag #Hello-Vietnam is helping to promote tourism as part of a marketing program in partnership with the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism. The organization aims to produce and screen around 30,000 short videos on the TikTok platform with a target of reaching 100 million views.

    例如,標籤#Hello-Vietnam作為與越南國家旅遊局(Vietnam National Administration of tourism)合作的營銷計劃的一部分,正在幫助推廣旅遊業。該組織的目標是在TikTok平臺上製作和放映約3萬個短影片,目標是達到1億的瀏覽量。

    On June 15, TikTok released the first video of the series under the hashtag #HelloDanang, introducing tourist attractions in Vietnam"s central city of Da Nang. After just over six months, hundreds of videos have been uploaded and have attracted 72.5 million views.

    Another trending hashtag on Vietnam"s TikTok currently is #Ketromnhua, which means "plastic thief" in English. The trend calls for users to make and share videos on how they reduce, reuse, recycle and replace plastic items, or take part in campaigns to clean up piles of rubbish that blight the community.


    "These videos show us the real efforts people are making toward achieving a greener lifestyle," Ngoc says.


  • 4 # 大火箭CC


    其實抖音早就火遍全球了,這也不是最近才發生的事情。你去看看國際版的tik tok,無論是在東南亞,或是在美國,甚至是在很難攻入的日本,下載量和點選量都是爆炸性地在增長,取得超級驚人誇張的成績,甚至在一段時間裡面還排上了第一名,另外年度關鍵字排行榜上也都能排到不錯的名次呢,說明是越來越受到大家的青睞,真的是相當的火爆啊。就更別提一個小小的越南了,如何不能輕鬆攻破呢!

    老實講,臉書油管肯定有注意到這個現象的,畢竟他們都是網際網路公司的巨頭,難道就連這點觸覺都沒有嗎,當然不可能的啦!比如我記得youtube前段時間不是還模仿tik tok,出了個類似的app玩意,結果沒多久就涼涼了,根本沒多少人記住這app叫什麼名字。


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