1 # 大亨永德
2 # 暖煙的淺吟館
I no longer have to do without now, all colors are translated into sounds and smells. And they ring infinitely sweet like tones. Why should I need a book? The wind leafs through the trees; and I know what passes there for words, and sometimes repeat them softly. And Death,who plucks eyes like flowers, doesn"t find my eyes.譯文:
我現在再也不惦記什麼, 一切顏色翻譯 成音響和氣味。 它們不停地叮噹著美如 樂聲。 一本書對我何用? 風在樹林中翻著書頁; 我知道上面是些什麼字, 我多次輕聲溫習它們。 摘掉眼睛有如摘花的死亡 它找不到我的眼睛……