  • 1 # 好家長學苑


    1. spend

    (1) sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth. 花費時間(或金錢)做某事,in可以省略。

    I spent three hours (in) fixing the model car. 我花了三個小時修汽車模型。

    She spent one dollar buying the pen. 她花一美元買了那支筆。

    (2) sb. spend some time/money on sth. 在某事(或物)上花費時間(或金錢)

    He often spends two hours on his homework. 他經常花兩個小時做作業。

    Will you spend so much money on the coat? 你願意花這麼多錢買這件外套嗎?

    2. pay

    sb. pay some money for sth. 某人為某物付錢

    I have to pay one hundred yuan for the meal. 我不得不為這頓飯付了一百塊。




    3. cost

    sth. cost some money 某物花費了多少錢,主語是人。

    This book cost me ten dollar. 這本書花了我十美元。

    4. take

    it takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花費多少時間做某事

    It took me two hours to finish my work. 我花了兩個小時完成我的工作。


  • 2 # 小木頭英語


    1) sb. spend ...on sth

    例如:I spend two days on this problem.

    2) spend in doing sth,其中in可省略

    例如:They spend two days (in)building the house.

    3) spend money for sth.

    例如:His money was spent for pencils.

    2. pay的主語多指人,常用搭配 pay for

    例如:I have to pay for the book lost.

    pay的其他搭配還有:pay back 一般指報復

    pay off 回報 使...得益,pay up 全部付清

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