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    中國書法英文介紹Chinese calligraphy is a form of aesthetically pleasing writing (calligraphy), or, the artistic expression of human language in a tangible form. This type of expression has been widely practiced in China and has been generally highly esteemed in the Chinese cultural sphere (including, historically, for example, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam).

    There are some general standardizations of the various styles of calligraphy in this tradition. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting are closely related: they are accomplished using similar tools and techniques, and have a long history of shared artistry. Distinguishing features of Chinese painting and calligraphy include an emphasis on motion charged with dynamic life.

    According to Stanley-Baker, "Calligraphy is sheer life experienced through energy in motion that is registered as traces on silk or paper, with time and rhythm in shifting space its main ingredients." Calligraphy has also led to the development of many forms of art in China, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones.

    中國書法相關英文單詞中國書法 Chinese calligraphy;文房四寶 Four Treasures of the Study;毛筆 ink brush;墨 ink stick;宣紙 xuan paper / rice paper;硯臺 inkstone;畫氈 desk pad,鎮石 paperweight;印章 seal;行書 running script;草書 cursive script;楷書 regular/ standard script.

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