  • 1 # 樂土沃森中心


    作者 :劉如銀,蘇彥景,李智

    第二期樂土新冠疫情臨床週報 作者 - 劉如銀,蘇彥景,李智


    • 自2019年12月新型冠狀病毒肺炎COVID-19中國武漢爆發。目前中國疫情逐步趨於平緩,但世界其他國家疫情正迅速蔓延惡化。該報告收集整合從一月到目前中國官方和全球專家所積累的臨床意見,對正在蔓延的全球疫情防控檢測和治療有指導借鑑意義。

    • 目前臨床發現無症狀傳播者傳播力強,從初步症狀顯現到ICU大概十幾天左右,新冠病毒和患者自身危險因素結合會導致重症重危症患者產生。

    • 各國監管機構快速批准了一些檢測產品。在醫院和臨床實驗室操作的檢測產品檢測時間較長但精準度高;為控制疫情蔓延的快速檢測POCT檢測產品正審批推出。各種檢測方式各有優劣勢,最好多種檢測綜合。

    • 目前臨床治療手段多樣:氧氣治療,抗炎症藥物,抗病毒藥物,治療性疫苗,血清治療等。氧氣治療是各種治療手段的基礎,抗炎症藥物顯示了相對較好臨床治療效果。

    • Remdesivir重症病人同情用藥中期資料68%臨床改善效果。現有其他治療方式的人體臨床試驗資料近期會陸續釋出。

    • December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Wuhan, China. As of today,the pandemic situation in China is gradually flattening, but the situation in other countries is rapidly worsening. The report integrates the clinical evidence from Chinese officials and global KOLs since January. It provides significant guidance for the treatment and prevention of this global pandemic.

    • Clinical evidence shows that asymptomatic carriers play important roles in spreading the virus. It takes approximately ten days from initial symptoms to the ICU stage. The combination of COVID-19 and other underlying health conditions will lead to life-threatening complications.

    • Regulatory agencies in many countries quickly approved both clinical laboratory diagnostics which take longer time but have higher accuracy and POCT diagnostics which can generate rapid results to control the pandemic spread. Each COVID-19 diagnostic method has its own advantages and disadvantages.The combination of different testing methods are highly recommended by the KOLs to generate the most accurate testing results.

    • As of today, there are many clinical treatments options, for instance oxygen therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral drugs, therapeutic vaccines,and plasma therapy. Oxygen therapy is being used as the fundamental therapy. Anti-inflammatory drugs have shown relatively good clinical treatment effects.

    • In this cohort of patients hospitalized for severe COVID-19 who were treated with compassionate-use remdesivir, clinical improvement was observed in 36 of 53 patients (68%). The data of human clinical trials of other existing treatment methods will be released soon.

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