  • 1 # 使用者8903744628942

    【翻譯】:Perfect【拼音】:wán měi【詞性】: 形容詞:perfect 名詞:perfection【重點詞彙】:完美perfect; perfection; flawless; consummate; finish【釋義】:完備美好;沒有缺陷【片語】:perfect; consummate; flawless:完美的計劃 a perfect plan;完美無疵 perfect; flawless【雙語例句】:

    1.我們生活在一個並不完美的世界上。We live in an imperfect world

    2.我得提醒自己表現得自信和表現得完美並不是一回事!I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect!

    3.無論是在熒幕上還是在生活中,她都是人們心目中完美的美國青少年。She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen.

    4.新方法並不完美,就算如此,它還是比老方法好得多。The new method is not perfect; even so, it"s much better than the old one.

    5.表漸漸地達到了現在這樣完美的程度。It was little by little that the watch reached its present-day perfection.

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