  • 1 # ennzr19728

      shoot some hoops的中文翻譯  shoot some hoops  打籃球  雙語例句  

    1  Do you have time to shoot some hoops after class today?  今天下課後你有沒有時間打籃球?  

    2  Or better yet, take a 10-minute walk, shoot some hoops, or grab coffee with a friend.  最好是步行10分鐘,打打籃球或者和朋友去喝喝咖啡。  

    3  Ben: Look, Grandma, you can"t sit around her moping all day. You wanna shoot some hoops?  本:我說奶奶,你別整天無精打采的,想去投籃嗎?  

    4  Do you want to shoot some hoops?  要不要打籃球啊?。

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