  • 1 # 妮妮277312076

    1.as可以引導方式狀語從句.You must do it as the boss told you just now.你必須按照老闆剛才告訴你的去做這事。

    2.as可以引導讓步狀語從句.Young as he is,he can do it better.儘管他很小,但卻把這件事做的很好。

    3.as可以引導原因狀語從句。As he is so lazy,he never cooks by himself.因為他很懶,他從不自己做飯。

    4.as可以引導時間狀語從句As the weather is colder andcolder,,he doesn"t go outside often隨著天氣變得越來越冷,他不常出去了。

    5.as可以引導定語從句,先行詞常由so,as,such,the same修飾。I have the same coat as Tom(has).我有跟湯姆一樣的外套。

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