  • 1 # 使用者5334577554979

    Lily is my friend. We have many things in common. But in somethings we are different. Lily is more outgoing than me. Though we botn like sports. She is taller than me and she is more athletic . However,we both like take bus to school. I don"t think differences are important in a friendship. 莉莉是我的朋友。我們有許多共同之處。但在很大程度上我們是不同的。莉莉比我更外向。雖然我們喜歡體育運動都有分公司。她比我高,她是更多的運動。然而,我們都喜歡乘公共汽車去學校。我不認為差異對於友誼來說並不重要。望採納

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