2.例句:;Is your baggage only two bage? ;您的行李只有兩個包嗎?;Could you give me a doggy bage? ;你能給我一個剩菜袋嗎?;“The underlying problem”, says Lennart Bage, head of the International Fund for AgriculturalDevelopment, “is the decline in agricultural productivity growth. ;而“本質問題(underlying problem)”,國際農業發展基金會主席Lennart Bage表示,“是農業增產的放緩。”
Bage;n. 大白菜,包心菜;n. (Bage)人名;(英)貝奇;(法)巴熱;(塞)巴蓋;
1.相關短語:;stability bage 橫隔穩定噴口;gargolf bage 無用訊息;Craig Bage 姓名;
2.例句:;Is your baggage only two bage? ;您的行李只有兩個包嗎?;Could you give me a doggy bage? ;你能給我一個剩菜袋嗎?;“The underlying problem”, says Lennart Bage, head of the International Fund for AgriculturalDevelopment, “is the decline in agricultural productivity growth. ;而“本質問題(underlying problem)”,國際農業發展基金會主席Lennart Bage表示,“是農業增產的放緩。”