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    ridiculous 英 [rɪˈdɪkjələs] 美 [rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj.可笑的,荒謬的;荒唐的,愚蠢的例句1.From my standpoint, you know, this thing is just ridiculous. 你要知道,依我看,這事簡直太荒唐了。2.It"s ridiculous to play it cool if someone you"re mad about is mad about you too.如果讓你生氣的人也在生你的氣,而你還要假裝冷靜,那就太可笑了。3.For me to think I"m any better than a homeless person on the street is ridiculous.在我看來,認為我自己比街上的無家可歸者要更加高尚是很可笑的。4.It"s ridiculous, it"s pathetic, it"s a joke 這真荒謬,簡直是可悲、可笑。

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